laravel auth redirect after login ◀ congtogel alternatif login

laravel auth redirect after login

The way I've done it by using AuthenticatesUsers trait. /** * Check user's role and redirect user based on their role * @return */ public function authenticated () { if (auth ()-user ()-hasRole ('admin')) { return redirect ('/admin/dashboard'); } return redirect ('/user/dashboard'); } In this tutorial, we'll learn how to customize the auth system in our Laravel 8 app to redirect users after they register or login to a different route depending on their role. Most of the times, the authentication system provided by Laravel 8 is enough for adding login and registration to your web application. How would that work? If you have added the auth middleware to protect specific routes in your routes/web.php, then your users will be redirected to the login page if they try to access them. In that case, they will be redirected back to the intended page automatically after successful authentication. How to Change Redirect After Login/Register in Laravel Breeze In default Laravel, there's one constant responsible for the redirection of logged-in users: app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php: class RouteServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { /** * The path to the "home" route for your application. Iam new in laravel and i want to redirect to rout (dashboard) after login, can i make it ? iam tried many of methods but not work with me this RedirectIfAuthenticated.php file lt;?php namespace App\ you are just returning a string, not a redirect object ... return "/AdminDashboard"; is just a string ... but if you only want to redirect after login then the middleware is not the way to go, the controller method works fine ... side note: you don't need the breaks in cases because you are returning anyway ... if that is all your switch is doing i would probably just have an array keyed by ... Laravel 5.4 Redirect after authentication (2 answers) Closed 2 years ago . I want to redirect the user after login to '/details'..but it redirect me to '/home' Just change return redirect()-guest('login'); to return redirect()-guest(route('auth.login')); or anything else. I wanted to write this down because it took me more than 5 minutes to figure it out. Please drop me a line if you happened to find this in the docs because I couldn't. users cannot access AdminController without logging in. its redirected to login page. but i want, if a logged in user typed the address of login page or registration on the address bar of browser, the page will redirected to AdminController. when i try to do this, it looking for '/home' and gives errors. i want to make it '/admin'. Authenticate a User by ID. To authenticate a user using their database record's primary key, you may use the loginUsingId method. This method accepts the primary key of the user you wish to authenticate: Auth::loginUsingId(1); You may pass a boolean value as the second argument to the loginUsingId method. Let’s see how it works internally. After every successful login/registration, laravel redirects to the path returned from redirectPath method. This method is available in the trait RedirectsUsers. This trait is implemented by both RegisterController.php and LoginController.php. This method works in this way.