ff6600 ⏩ bumi 2d


Learn about the hexadecimal color #ff6600, also known as pure or mostly pure orange. See its RGB, CMYK, HSL, HSV values, color schemes, alternatives, shades, tints, tones and blindness simulator. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #ff6600 hue: 0.07 , saturation: 1.00 and the lightness value of ff6600 is 0.50. The process color (four color CMYK) of #ff6600 color hex is 0.00, 0.60, 1.00, 0.00. Web safe color of #ff6600 is #ff6600. Color #ff6600 contains mainly RED color. Learn about the color #FF6600, also known as orange, and its variations, harmonies, blindness simulation and contrast checker. Explore how this color is perceived by color blind people and how to use it in design. This beautiful orange color converted to RGB is (R:255, G:102, B:0). Usage recommendations for #ff6600, color schemes and color meaning. Color space information Safety Orange Color | ff6600. Similar Pantone Color name Information, Color Schemes, Light / Darkshades, Tones, Similar Colors , Preview the color and download Photoshop swatch and solid color background image The #FF6600 RGB color code is composed of a hexadecimal FF red (255/256), a 66 green (102/256) and a 00 blue component (0/256). The decimal RGB color code is rgb(255,102,0) . Closest WebSafe color: Safety orange (#FF6600) Learn about the hex color #FF6600, its RGB, CMYK, HSL, HSV, XYZ, and other color codes, and how to use it in HTML, CSS, and other contexts. See color schemes, conversions, shades, and examples of #FF6600 color. Advertisements. #FF6600 Hex Color for the Web has the RGB values of 255, 102, 0 and the CMYK colour values of 0, 60, 100, 0. This web color is described by the following tags: BLAZE ORANGE, ORANGE RED. Color #FF6600 is one of the web safe colors. The page belows contains color combinations, color schemes, color palettes and images that match ... Hex color #FF6600 is a web safe color. Inversed color of #FF6600 is #0099FF. Grayscale: #888888. Windows color (decimal): -39424 or 26367. OLE color: 26367. HSL color Cylindrical-coordinate representation of color #FF6600: hue angle of 24º degrees, saturation: 1, lightness: 0.5%. HSV value (or HSB Brightness) of color is 1% and HSV saturation: 1%. The color orange with hexadecimal color code #ff6600 / #f60 is a shade of orange. In the RGB color model #ff6600 is comprised of 100% red, 40% green and 0% blue. In the HSL color space #ff6600 has a hue of 24° (degrees), 100% saturation and 50% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 596.2 nm. Hacker News / #ff6600 / #f60 Kode Warna Hex. Kode warna heksadesimal #ff6600 / #f60 adalah bayangan dari oranye. Dalam model warna RGB #ff6600 terdiri dari 100% merah, 40% hijau dan 0% biru. Di ruang warna HSL #ff6600 memiliki hue 24° (derajat), 100% saturasi dan 50% penerangan. Warna ini memiliki panjang gelombang sekitar 596.2 nm. In the RGB color space, the hex code #FF6600 is comprised of 100% red, 40% green, and 0% blue. The CMYK color model, used in printing, has a composition of 0% cyan, 60% magenta, 100% yellow, and 0% black. In the HSL color space, the hex code #ff6600 has a hue of 24°, 100% saturation, and 50% lightness. The decimal value of this color is ... ZTE F609 adalah modem atau router access point dari GPON ONT yang sering digunakan oleh Indihome untuk pelanggan mereka, biasanya dengan nama ZTE ZXHN F609.Pengguna yang daftar Indihome dan menggunakan modem tersebut masih bisa leluasa untuk mengatur Wifi, wan, security atau pengaturan jaringan router lainnya. RGB. #FF6600. RGB (Red Green Blue) Color Model is an Additive Color Model (if you don't add anything, it's black), used for screens. Websafe. #FF6600. closest color on the list of 216 colors that were safe for old 256-color screens. Greyscale. 137, 137, 137. Shade of grey with the same luminosity as this RGB color.