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PlanetScale is a MySQL-compatible serverless database that offers unlimited scale, performance, and reliability without sacrificing developer experience. Learn how to use its features such as sharding, branching, deploy requests, and insights to optimize your database workflows and queries. PlanetScale is a cloud-based database platform that offers horizontal sharding, non-blocking schema changes, and other features without compromising developer experience. Learn how to use PlanetScale to branch, deploy, and manage your database schemas, data, and queries with ease and reliability. PlanetScale is the MySQL-compatible, serverless database platform. PlanetScale is a new database technology that offers scale, performance, and reliability without sacrificing developer experience. It is powered by Vitess, the open-source technology that was invented at YouTube and is now a CNCF project. Learn about its features, history, and how it can help you develop quickly and confidently. Create a PlanetScale database. Once you're signed in, click on the "Create a database" button. Name your database star-app, select the region closest to you, and click "Create database". You can also use the PlanetScale CLI to create a database by running the following command: Terminal. pscale db create star-app --region REGION. On the database overview page in your PlanetScale dashboard, click the " New branch " button. Give your development branch a name and select the region closest to your or your application. Select the production branch you want to branch off of. You can also select another development branch. Click " Create branch ". Getting started ā€” PlanetScale dashboard. You'll need a PlanetScale account to complete this guide. Create a database. Follow these steps to create a database: Click "New database" "Create a database" on your organization's overview page. Name your database. Select a region. For the lowest latency, select a region near you or your ... PlanetScale is an excellent solution for optimizing databases. It is a serverless MySQL-compatible database powered by Vitess.In addition to its scalability, PlanetScale is known for its Git-like development workflow, which includes branching and deploy requests for databases. Use the PlanetScale CLI to create development branches, make non-blocking schema changes, and open deploy requests directly from your terminal. Setup overview To interact with PlanetScale and manage your databases, you can use the pscale CLI to do the following: Learn how Vitess is cloud-native. Enabled ā€˜near unlimited scaleā€™ for Cash App. Only 5% of the system had to be changed to implement Vitess. 10 shard splits a week with less than 1 second of downtime. ~500,000 queries per second at peak times. ~20 billion total queries per day. Added connection latency with Vitess is only around 1 ... A comprehensive course on MySQL for developers. Welcome! MySQL for Developers is PlanetScaleā€™s free MySQL course that teaches you schema basics, indexing, querying, and beyond. This intermediate MySQL course is appropriate for both developers just getting started and those who need a refresher. No prior knowledge of databases is required!