99a ❤ login p3k 2021


Three main versions of the Type 99 have been deployed: the Type 98 prototype, Type 99 and the Type 99A. The Type 99 forms the core of China’s modern maneuver combat capabilities, with over 1,200 tanks built for the past two decades. The Type 99A is an improved version of the Type 99 MBT designed and manufactured in China by the local defense industry. It has a 125mm smoothbore gun, a commander independent sight, and a new ERA armor. It can fire HEAT missiles and has a composite armor over the front of the hull and turret. It has a crew of three and a 150HB turbo-charged diesel engine. ZTZ-99A(三期改进). ZTZ-99A(三期改进)主戰坦克. ZTZ-99三期改型,获定名为99A型,又称三代大改 [註 3] ,是在99式基础上重新研发的最新型号。. 因其重新设计炮塔、底盘悬挂设备,加装了液压传动系统,换装大功率150HBV型12缸双涡轮增压计算机控制高压共轨电喷 ... Learn about the Type 99A2 Main Battle Tank, the latest version of the Chinese Type 99 Tank with a hunter killer capability and a new hull rear. Find out its firepower, protection, mobility, technology and designations. 99-A is a new type of main battle tank independently developed and produced by China. It has a top speed of 70 kilometers per hour, as it is equipped with a 1,500-horsepower turbocharged diesel engine. It uses a 125-millimeter smoothbore gun and fires anti-tank guided missiles which can penetrate 700-millimeter-thick steel armor. The #99A #tank, known as the "King of the Land Battle," is China's most sophisticated main battlefield tank. It effectively gels in with infantry, artillery,... Over 12 Lac properties. 10,000+ properties are added every day. 02. Verification by 99acres team. Photos / Videos and other details are verified on location. 03. Large user base. High active user count and user engagement to find and close deals. Search over 8 lakh+ properties on 99acres.com. Buy, rent or sale of residential commercial property. Get latest updates about Properties and Projects. Access millions of advertiser details in one click. Get market information, reports and price trends. The ZTZ99A (Chinese: ZTZ99A式主战坦克; industry code WZ1001; erroneously known as ZTZ99A2 before official ratification in the late 2010s) currently serves as the spearhead of the PLAGF armored corps and has been their most advanced tank since the 2010s. The plans for a true 3rd generation MBT emerged during the development of the WZ123 ... 接下来是补充的99A. pid:103109876,这张似乎是B站up主窃蓝浅云的人设图? pid:102225301 pid:104111139 pid:103917653 pid:102146295. 以上。 之前经常有来看的人说, 说好放军事装备图那就别整二次元纸片人啊。 但是我在标题说得就很清楚了,这是pixiv拿的图。 2015年公开亮相的99a坦克是在99式坦克基础上重新设计研制而来,防护性、机动性、火力等技术性能有更大幅度的提升,99a坦克在信息化方面有所突破,其总师称为中国首款“信息化坦克”,装备信息收集传输、处理显示系统,实现战场事态共享。 性能 整体设计 Type 99A Tank Turret Overview. The Type 99A uses an improved ZPT98 series 125mm smoothbore main gun. It is a calibre Length 50 and capable of firing a range of rounds including a new APFSDS with a reported muzzle velocity of 1780 m/s. The main gun is also fitted with a muzzle refrence system. The 1A45T Fire Control System is an improved version ... Årsregnskabsloven § 99 a. § 99 a. Store virksomheder skal supplere ledelsesberetningen med en ikkefinansiel redegørelse for samfundsansvar. Redegørelsen skal indeholde oplysninger om miljøforhold, herunder virksomhedens arbejde med at reducere klimapåvirkningen ved virksomhedens aktivitet, sociale forhold, personaleforhold og forhold ...