film sejenis 33d invader 🚀 film the second wife

film sejenis 33d invader

The best similar movies to The 33D Invader (2011). If you liked The 33D Invader, then these movies are for you! You should not miss out these movies like The 33D Invader The 33D Invader (蜜桃成熟時33D) is a 2011 Hong Kong science fiction sex comedy film directed by Cash Chin. The film stars Macy Wu (whose bust size is exactly 33D, thus the name) as a girl named Future who has to re-populate the human race after radiation attacks from the Xucker race have made 99% of men on Earth infertile in the year 2046. Play Trailer Overview A young woman named Future is sent from the year 2046 to the year 2011 in Hong Kong. Future was sent by the United Nations in order to get pregnant, where she can then extract her genes and repopulate the earth as 99% of males have become infertile in the future due to attacks from Planet Xucker. What are some movies similar to The 33D invader? I just finished watching The 33D invader and although it's a terrible move, I still enjoyed it. Has anyone got any suggestions for Asian movies similar to this one? Reviews: 0 users. A young woman named Future is sent from the year 2046 to the year 2011 in Hong Kong. Future was sent by the United Nations in order to get pregnant, where she can then extract her genes and repopulate the earth as 99% of males have become infertile in the future due to attacks from Planet Xucker. THE 33D INVADER is a good throwback of Category III softcore silliness that knows exactly what it is and delivers accordingly -- all with a wink. Sex scenes, raunchy humour, Hong Kong culture jokes and flashes of oddness that leavens the inherent deviance behind the violence.