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react native facebook login

React Native FBSDK is a wrapper around the iOS Facebook SDK and Android Facebook SDK, allowing for Facebook integration in React Native apps. Access to native components, from login to sharing, is provided entirely through documented JavaScript modules so you don't have to call a single native function directly. Here’s a tutorial on React Native Facebook login. First the hard way, then with Expo to make your life easier. Learn how to authenticate users via Facebook on mobile apps. Learn how to integrate Facebook authentication in your Expo project with react-native-fbsdk-next library. Follow the steps to install, configure and use the library for Android and iOS platforms. Learn how to integrate Facebook login to a react native app using react-native-fbsdk library and the steps to create an app on Facebook developers. Follow the step by step guide with screenshots and code snippets on Medium. Login (placeholder) Using the login feature of the Facebook SDK for React Native. There is a community-supported React Native library which wraps around the native Facebook SDKs to enable Facebook sign-in. Before getting started, ensure you have installed the library, configured your Android iOS applications and setup your Facebook Developer Account to enable Facebook Login. Next, we’ll finally implement the login. React Native Implementation. Now that we have everything set up we’re ready to start implementing the Facebook login for our react native project. Open App.js (Or any other file like if you have a Login.js file where you have login screen functionality open that) and remove all the code in App.js ... So the next I found was react-native-google-signin. It has a hefty procedure but this medium article was a great help to implement it within minutes if you don't want to get into much detail. For facebook, fbsdk is the best one to use. So the best options would be: Google: react-native-google-signin. Facebook: fbsdk. Authorization setup through Facebook is well described in the official documentation for React Native. 3.1. Connecting Facebook Login product. I indicate this step here to remind you that we need to connect the Facebook Login product to the Facebook console. This is an essential step in adding a Facebook login to React Native. Step 1 - Installing dependencies. The most popular way to add Facebook login on React Native is using react-native-fbsdk to handle it. Since this library configuration depends on your development environment, target platform, and preferences, set it up following the official docs. Note: If you are developing for iOS, make sure that your project ... FBLogin / provides a React Native component wrapping the native Facebook SDK login button and manager. Note: Demo above includes debug text to confirm login (i.e. user name, email and access token). Step 2. Add AEM Logging. Use the AEMReporterIOS exported from the sdk to log event to AEM, logAEMEvent function will bypass if platform isn't iOS, it's safe to call without platform determined. import {AEMReporterIOS} from 'react-native-fbsdk-next'; AEMReporterIOS.logAEMEvent(eventName, value, currency, otherParameters); A callback function is also included to handle the response from the Facebook Login dialog and update the component's state with the user's information in React Native Facebook Login or react Facebook login. The user's name, email, and picture are rendered in the UI if they are logged in, otherwise, the Facebook login button is displayed.