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Dosis penbritin. penbritin (ampicillin) diberikan dengan dosis : dewasa dan anak 20 kg atau lebih : 250-500 mg setiap 6 jam secara oral. Infeksi saluran pernafasan: 250-500 mg tiap 6 jam selama 5-10 hari. Bronkitis kronik 250 mg tiap 6 jam selama 1 minggu atau lebih. sistisis : 500 mg tiap 8 jam selama 10 hari atau lebih. Adult: 500 mg daily. Child: 10 yr Half of adult routine dosage. Intraperitoneal: Supplement in systemic therapy for treatment of susceptible infections-Adult: 500 mg daily. Child: 10 yr Half of adult routine dosage. Intrapleural: Supplement in systemic therapy for treatment of susceptible infections-Adult: 500 mg daily. Dewasa dan anak 20 kg atau lebih : 250-500 mg setiap 6 jam secara oral; Infeksi saluran pernafasan : 250-500 mg tiap 6 jam selama 5-10 hari; Bronkitis kronik 250 mg tiap 6 jam selama 1 minggu atau lebih; Sistisis : 500 mg tiap 8 jam selama 10 hari atau lebih; Infeksi sistemik : 250-500 mg tiap 6 jam selama 5-10 hari 4.2 Posology and method of administrationUsual adult dosage (including elderly patients): Ear, nose and throat infections: 250mg four times a day. Bronchitis: Routine therapy: 250mg four times a day. High-dosage therapy: 1 g four times a day. Pneumonia: 500 mg four times a day. Urinary tract infections: 500 mg three times a day. What is ampicillin used for? Ampicillin is an antibiotic used to treat various infections caused by bacteria. These include ear infections (otitis media), sinusitis, chest infections such as... It is a penicillin antibiotic which treats infection by killing the germs (bacteria) responsible for the infection. Ampicillin is also available in combination with another penicillin antibiotic called flucloxacillin. The combination is called co-fluampicil. Before taking ampicillin Penbritin es comercializado por los laboratorios Grimann bajo las siguientes presentaciones: Penbritin: Cápsulas de 250 y 500 mg de ampicilina en cajas con 20 unidades. Tabletas de 1000 mg de ampicilina en cajas con 12 unidades. Solución inyectable de 500 y 1000 mg de ampicilina en frascos con polvo y ampolletas con diluyente de 2 y 4 ml. MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ‘PENBRITIN’ ‘Penbritin’ capsules are available in two strengths containing either 250 mg or 500 mg of ampicillin as ampicillin trihydrate. Non-proprietary name: Ampicillin capsules. ‘Penbritin’ capsules do not contain tartrazine or other azo dyes. Typical dosing for Ampicillin. Adults and children weighing over 20 kg (44.1 lbs): Respiratory tract infections: The typical dose is 250 mg by mouth 4 times a day (or every 6 hours). Gastrointestinal tract infections: The typical dose is 500 mg by mouth 4 times a day (or every 6 hours). Urinary and reproductive system infections: The typical ... AMPICILLIN 500 MG TABLET adalah obat generik antibiotik golongan Penicillin. Obat ini digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit-penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri. Penyakit-penyakit infeksi bakteri yang umum diobati dengan antibiotik golongan penicillin ini termasuk : infeksi saluran nafas, infeksi-infeksi yang disebabkan enterococcus ... अन्य निर्देश: Dosage strength: Ampicillin (500 mg), Cloxacillin (500 mg) ... [Internet]: Penbritin 500 mg Capsules. Chemidex Pharma Ltd. A single dose of 500 mg capsule of Penbritin (Beecham) and Omnipen (Wyeth) was given orally while Penbritin (Beecham) injection was administered at the dosage level of 15 mg/kg body weight through ... Ampicillin 125 MG Suspension is an antibiotic. It is used for the treatment of bacterial infections that affects your lungs, nose, throat, urinary tract, stomach, and intestine, etc. It works by preventing the formation of the protective outer layer of the bacteria and kills them. This medication is effective only for the treatment of infections caused by bacteria and not viruses. Ampicillin ...