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Dosis maksimal 300 mg per hari. Pengobatan dilakukan selama 4–8 minggu. Kondisi: Produksi asam lambung berlebih Dewasa: 150 mg 2–3 kali sehari, maksimal 6.000 mg per hari. Kondisi: Penyakit asam lambung atau GERD Dewasa: 150 mg 2 kali sehari atau 300 mg sekali sehari sebelum tidur, selama 8 minggu atau dapat diperpanjang hingga 12 minggu ... Anak: 1 mg/kg berat badan (maksimal 50 mg) melalui intravena. Lakukan setiap 6-8 jam. Tujuan: produksi asam lambung yang berlebih. Bentuk: injeksi. Dewasa: Pemberian awal dengan dosis 1 mg/kg berat badan/jam. Jika dibutuhkan, dosis bisa dinaikkan 0,5 mg/kg berat badan/jam sesudah empat jam. Cara Menggunakan Ranitidine Oral: 150 mg ranitidin diberikan 2 jam sebelum anestesi, dan disarankan 150 mg pada hari sebelumnya. Untuk ibu hamil, yaitu 150 mg pada awal proses persalinan dan diulangi setiap 6 jam sekali, sesuai kebutuhan. Parenteral: 50 mg melalui IM atau IV tetes lambat selama 40 – 60 menit sebelum anestesi. 5. Ulkus akibat obat NSAID. Dewasa Ranitidine was withdrawn from the market in the United States in April 2020. Ranitidine belongs to a group of drugs called histamine-2 blockers. It works by reducing the amount of acid your stomach produces. Ranitidine has been used to treat and prevent ulcers in the stomach and intestines. Ranitidin lebih menurunkan sekresi asam lambung basal dan nokturnal dibandingkan sekresi asam lambung yang dirangsang oleh makanan. [1,2] Perlu diperhatikan bahwa penggunaan ranitidin jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan malabsorpsi vitamin B12 dan defisiensi vitamin B12. Derajat defisiensi berkaitan dengan dosis, dimana defisiensi lebih berat ... Anak: Neonatus 2 mg/kg bb 3 kali sehari namun absorpsi tidak terjamin; maksimal 3 mg/kg bb 3 kali sehari; Usia 1-6 bulan: 1 mg/kg bb 3 kali sehari (maks. 3 mg/kg bb 3 kali sehari); Usia 6 bulan-12 tahun: 2-4 mg/kg bb (maks. 150 mg) 2 kali sehari; Usia 12-18 tahun: 150 mg 2 kali sehari. Injeksi intramuskuler: 50 mg setiap 6-8 jam. Injeksi ... Ranitidine Solution for Injection may be given as: • a slow intravenous injection (over two minutes) up to a maximum of 50 mg, after dilution to a volume of 20 ml per 50 mg dose. This dose may be repeated every 6 to 8 hours; or • as an intermittent intravenous infusion at a rate of 25 mg per hour for two hours. 50 mg every 8 hours, dose to be diluted to 20 mL and given over at least 2 minutes, then (by mouth) 150 mg twice daily, may be given when oral feeding commences. Reflux oesophagitis and other conditions where gastric acid reduction is beneficial for ranitidine Adult: 50 mg via IM or slow IV inj over 2 minutes or via intermittent IV infusion at a rate of 25 mg/hour for 2 hours.Dose may be repeated 6-8 hourly. Child: 6 months to 11 years Initially, 2 mg/kg or 2.5 mg/kg (Max: 50 mg) via slow IV inj over 10 minutes (either with a syringe pump followed by a 3 mL flush with NaCl 0.9% over 5 minutes or after dilution with NaCl 0.9% to 20 mL). Usual dose: 2 to 4 mg/kg IV, divided and given every 6 to 8 hours OR as a continuous infusion. Maximum dose: 50 mg/dose. 16 years and older: ORAL: Treatment dose: 150 mg orally 2 times a day OR 300 mg orally once a day after the evening meal or at bedtime. Maintenance dose: 150 mg orally once a day at bedtime. The relief of gastric-acid related symptoms can occur as soon as 60 minutes after administration of a single dose, and the effects can last from 4-10 hours, providing fast and effective symptomatic relief. Ranitidine is rapidly absorbed with peak concentrations reached within 1-3 hours after administration, and varying greatly among patients. 150 mg PO q12hr or 50 mg IM/IV q6-8hr. Gastric Ulcer, Benign. Treatment: 150 mg PO q12hr or 300 mg PO at bedtime. Maintenance of healing: 150 mg PO at bedtime. Erosive Esophagitis. Treatment: 150 mg PO q6hr or 50 mg IM/IV q6-8hr intermittent bolus or infusion; alternatively, 6.25 mg/hr IV by continuous infusion. Maintenance of healing: 150 mg ...