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ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. Explore journals, books and articles. ScienceDirect is a database of peer-reviewed, full-text scientific, technical and health literature from Elsevier and its partners. You can access it with your library card or subscription, and enjoy features such as remote access, alerts, reading history, customization and more. - ScienceDirect Support Center How can I sign in to my Elsevier account? Last updated on October 11, 2023 When you visit an Elsevier product you will see an option to sign in. Personal sign in: Enter your email address and click ' Continue '. Institutional sign in: Improve your research performance today. Anyone can use ScienceDirect to access, explore, discover, read and save research. Let ScienceDirect take you to the research that brings answers. Become a ScienceDirect registered user to personalise features, receive alerts, track share your work. Open data pilot We make raw research data freely available for users to download and use alongside the article. See more Personal access The Elsevier Store offers online or print personal subscriptions to many of our titles. Postdoc access Open access on ScienceDirect. As one of the fastest-growing open access publishers in the world, nearly all of Elsevier’s 2,650 journals now enable open access publishing, including 600 fully open access journals. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Postdoc access. Since 2012, Elsevier's Postdoc Free Access Passport Program has been supporting young scholars in between jobs or looking for their first postdoctoral position. Qualified applicants are granted six months free access to Scopus and all our journals and books on ScienceDirect. They can use this access to work on grant applications ... Registered users can access ScienceDirect anytime and from anywhere, without being limited to an IP range. Be sure to register on ScienceDirect first and then sign in to activate your remote access. You can learn more about remote access at the ScienceDirect Service Center (opens in new tab/window). Built on the widest range of trusted, high-quality, interdisciplinary research, ScienceDirect helps you find answers to your most pressing research questions, stay on top of your field and gain in-depth insights into trending research topics as you take your next steps in discovery. Discover ScienceDirect: 1. 18M articles 2. 2500 journals 3. 370 full […] A Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) or Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) is a standard document that helps assess the accessibility of a Elsevier product. It contains detailed information about a product’s conformance with accessibility standards (i.e. WCAG 2.1, Section 508, etc.) and accessibility-related features such as ...