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Tablet Fulcin 500 mg diproduksi oleh PT Astra Zaneca Indonesia. Dalam 1 tablet Fulcin mengandung Griseofulvin yang mengobati infeksi jamur tertentu pada rambut, kulit, dan kuku. Jangan mengkonsumsi tablet Fulcin jika Anda alergi terhadap griseofulvin, mempunyai gangguan hati, atau justru sedang hamil. Griseofulvin oral tablet is a prescription drug that treats fungal infections of your hair, nails, and skin. It belongs to a class of drugs called antifungal agents. It can cause serious skin reactions, liver damage, and other side effects. Learn about its uses, dosage, interactions, warnings, and alternatives. Fulcin is an antifungal medicine that is used to treat infections such as ringworm, athlete's foot, jock itch, and fungal infections of the scalp, fingernails, or toenails. Fulcin may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Fulcin used to treat a number of types of dermatophytoses. Dalam dosis apa fulcin tersedia? Fulcin tersedia dalam bentuk tablet: 125 mg, 500 mg. Efek Samping Apa efek samping yang mungkin terjadi jika menggunakan fulcin? Jika digunakan, fulcin juga dapat memberikan gejala efek samping. Berikut adalah efek samping yang mungkin terjadi, di antaranya: Kulit menjadi lebih sensitif terhadap matahari Kandungan: Griseofulvin 500 mg Bentuk: Tablet. Satuan Penjualan: Strip. Kemasan: Strip @14 Tablet. Farmasi: Astra Zeneca. Harga: Rp. 113.000 - Rp. 205.000/ Strip Kegunaan Fulcin digunakan untuk membantu mengobati infeksi jamur pada kulit. Dosis Cara Penggunaan Griseofulvin adalah obat untuk mengatasi infeksi jamur, terutama di kulit kepala (tinea kapitis), serta kuku tangan atau kuku kaki (tinea unguium). Obat ini hanya dapat diperoleh atas rekomendasi dokter. Griseofulvin termasuk dalam golongan obat antijamur yang bekerja dengan cara menghambat perkembangbiakan jamur. Griseofulvin can induce aneuploidy and meiotic delay in mouse oocytes following oral administration of high doses, i.e. 250mg/kg or greater. In addition, griseofulvin caused increases in numerical and structural chromosome aberrations in mouse spermatocytes at doses of 500mg/kg and above. Aneuploidy was observed at doses of 1500mg/kg. Aturan penggunaan Griseofulvin secara umum adalah sebagai berikut: Dewasa: 0.5-1 gram / hari dalam dosis tunggal atau terbagi. Durasi pengobatan: 2-8 minggu (infeksi rambut dan kulit), hingga 6 bulan (infeksi kuku), ≥12 bulan (infeksi kuku jari kaki). Anak-anak: dosis harian 10 mg/kg BB satu kali sehari dosis tunggal atau terbagi. Fulcin 500mg Capsule generic name is Flucloxacillin. Fulcin 500mg Capsule is manufactured by Supreme Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Fulcin is availble in all over Bangladesh. Mes BD drug index information on Fulcin Capsule is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment. nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea; headache, tiredness; rash; sleep problems ( insomnia ); or. dizziness. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. Griseofulvin side effects (more detail) Fulcin is an antibiotic used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. It is effective in infections of the throat, ear, nasal sinuses, respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue, bones and joints and blood. Fulcin is a penicillin-type of antibiotic, which mainly fights and stops the growth of the gram-positive type of bacteria. Microsize formulation: 500 mg/day orally in 1 to 4 divided doses. For widespread lesions: 750 to 1000 mg/day orally in 2 to 4 divided doses. Ultramicrosize formulation: 375 mg/day orally in single or divided doses. For fungal infections more difficult to eradicate: 750 mg/day orally in divided doses. The usual dose is 5 milligrams (mg) per kilogram (kg) (2.3 mg per pound) of body weight every 12 hours, or 10 milligrams (mg) per kilogram (kg) (4.6 mg per pound) of body weight once a day. Treatment of fungus infections of the scalp, skin, and groin: Adults and teenagers—250 milligrams (mg) every 12 hours or 500 mg once a day.