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tetracycline 250 mg

Tetracycline HCl adalah antibiotik untuk mengatasi penyakit akibat infeksi bakteri, seperti pneumonia dan infeksi saluran pencernaan. Selain itu, obat ini juga bisa digunakan untuk mengatasi jerawat dan rosacea. Tetracycline HCl termasuk dalam antibiotik golongan tetracycline. Tetracycline is used to treat a wide variety of infections, including acne. It is an antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria.This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It... Tetracycline is an antibiotic that fights infection caused by bacteria and treats many different bacterial infections of the skin, intestines, respiratory tract, urinary tract, genitals, lymph nodes, and other body systems. It can cause permanent tooth discoloration and other serious side effects, and should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Usual daily dose: 500 mg PO q12hr or 250 mg PO q6hr (ie, 1000 mg/day) Higher doses (eg, 500 mg PO q6hr) may be required for severe infections or for those infections which do not respond to the smaller doses. Moderate-to- Severe Acne. Recommended initial dosage: 1 g/day PO in divided doses (based on the judgement of the clinician) Tetracycline is a tetracycline antibiotic used to treat various infections, including pneumonia, skin, eye, and plague. It comes as a capsule to take by mouth and should be taken on an empty stomach. It can cause side effects such as nausea, rash, and teeth staining. Tetracycline is an antibiotic used to treat many types of bacterial infections, such as respiratory tract infections and urinary tract infections (UTIs). It's also sometimes used to fight acne-causing bacteria. Tetracycline is available as a lower-cost generic capsule that's safe for adults and children over 8 years of age to take. Tetracycline effect is based on the protein synthesis inhibition. It effectively kills bacterial cells, treating such diseases as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, meningococci and more serious infections, like plague or cholera. Patients report effective relief of numerous symptoms, and mild adverse effects, if any. Tetracycline is an antibiotic used to treat many types of bacterial infections, such as respiratory tract infections and urinary tract infections (UTIs). It's also sometimes used to fight acne-causing bacteria. Tetracycline is available as a lower-cost generic capsule that's safe for adults and children over 8 years of age to take. Tetracycline kapsul atau tablet ini terdiri dari dua jenis kekuatan dosis. Ada obat tetracycline dengan kekuatan 250 mg bahan aktif per tablet atau 500 mg bahan aktif per tablet. Namun, tetracyclin 500 mg adalah yang paling banyak beredar dan digunakan oleh orang-orang. Tetracycline yang merupakan obat antibiotik harus disimpan di tempat yang aman. Super Tetra mengandung bahan aktif tetracycline. Antibiotik ini bekerja dengan cara menghentikan pertumbuhan bakteri. Super Tetra tersedia dalam bentuk kapsul lunak yang dikemas di dalam box yang berisi 20 strip. Di dalam 1 kapsul Super Tetra terkandung 250 mg tetracyline. Apa Itu Super Tetra Tetracycline 250 mg / kapsul lunak. Kemasan. 1 Dus Super Tetra isi 20 strip @ 6 kapsul lunak 250 mg. Manfaat Super Tetra. Manfaat obat super tetra adalah untuk mengobati infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri yang peka terhadap tetracycline. Dalam pemilihan obat, manfaat yang diperoleh harus dipastikan lebih besar daripada risiko yang mungkin ... Adults and teenagers—100 mg every eight hours; or 150 mg every twelve hours; or 250 mg once a day, injected into a muscle. Children older than 8 years of age—Dose is based on body weight. The usual dose is 5 to 8.3 mg per kg (2.3 to 3.8 mg per pound) of body weight every eight hours; or 7.5 to 12.5 mg per kg (3.4 to 5.7 mg per pound) of ... Dumocycline mengandung tetracycline 250 mg dalam bentuk kapsul. Dumocycline digunakan untuk mengobati infeksi kulit dan jaringan lunak, infeksi saluran pernapasan, infeksi saluran kemih, hingga infeksi telinga, hidung, dan tenggorokan. Dosis Dumocycline bagi orang dewasa adalah 250-500 mg tiap 6 jam maksimal 4 gram per hari.